Llama's in pajamas!

Georgia went all out to read for the record yesterday!

Read for the Record is a national campaign to bring attention to literacy and was an attempt to set a world record for the largest number of people reading the same book on the same day.

Throughout the day, thousands of students were read the cute book Llama Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney. It is a rhyming story about a baby llama who is scared after his llama mama tucks him into bed, goes downstairs, and does not respond immediately when he requests water. He begins to fret that his mama is gone - only, she is busy with a phone call. All ends well, with mama giving baby llama two kisses and tucking him back in bed for the night.

My sweet friend, Chelsea, is a Pre-K teacher and asked me to be the 'celebrity' reader for her class. This is Chelsea and her hubby, Garrett. She's pretty and a really great teacher.

After I broke the news to her that I am not a celebrity but would gladly read to her class, we were all set.

And let me tell you, those kiddos are so cute.

Throughout the book, you see baby llama's beautiful quilt. I took the opportunity to teach my class what a quilt was and then after reading, I handed out coloring worksheets of quilts I had made. We sat at the table, colored, laughed, and shared crayons. I was just getting ready to teach about counting and the alphabet, shapes, and colors, when Chelsea cut in and said it was nap time. And as interesting as shapes and colors are, those cuties sprinted to the blankets and we're ready to go to sleep before I opened up my lesson plans. Guess I'm not smarter than a Pre-K'er - nap time always wins!

Thanks, Chelsea, for letting me play teacher yesterday!

If you have not had the opportunity to read Llama Llama Red Pajama, you should. It's available online here!

